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Christine Armstrong | Jess Armstrong

Christine & Jess Armstrong

Growing up in the 70's (yes - we're that old) photography was all around us. My dad built a darkroom in the basement when I was still in grade school and I was hooked. Jess had a father who loved making home movies. In high school we both got involved with the Yearbook Clubs and contributed photos...sound familiar??


Graduates of the Art Institute of Pittsburgh where we met, Jess and I have managed to thrive as photographers and "farmers", weaving a green lifestyle together with professional photography pursuits. Rarely will you find a photographer today who has a degree in photography plus so many years of shooting to back it up.


We established Armstrong Studio Associates, Ltd. in 1988 and have provided high quality professional photography to the Mid-Atlantic marketing community ever since.


In 1995 the studio became one of the first full service digital studios in Baltimore. Partnering with prepress experts, the studio provided turn-key services from project management, through photography and print production - including color profiling and press proofing for clients with the highest standards of ink on paper.

In 2007 the studio was moved into a loft space on our Northern Baltimore County farmette so that all the projects we had going could be in one place. We now pursue our passions in the most eco-conscious way possible, each day striving to leave a smaller foot print than the day before.


Today, 100% of our work is done digitally and delivered via FTP out of our renovated barn in White Hall, MD ~ where as one art director put it “...you see it in the movies and read about it in novels. Artists working out of renovated farmhouses, barns and stables, with dogs and cats and crickets as coworkers. It's romantic, it's creative freedom at its finest. It was Chris & Jess Armstrong's dream to pursue their careers and happiness in the country while living an eco-friendly lifestyle. After years of perseverance and planning that dream finally became a reality”.


We welcome clients to visit our “green” studio, but also travel to shoots on-site regularly. Through the use of screen sharing, clients can art direct from the comfort of their offices. It is also fairly common with repeat customers that there is simply a review of the finished shots before they are polished with just the right amount of in-house retouching.


Christine & Jess